Poem Practice Videos

These videos contain recitations of the 100 poems of the Hyakunin Isshu in a random order, which can be used as audio to play or listen to. (Note that apps like “Inaba-kun” and “Wasuramoti”, which you can find in the resources tab, can also be used for this, and that these are just an alternative.) (Source) – Watching this video […]

Basic Card Layout/Placement Tips

Tips courtesy of Pennwisdom from reddit (source): This one may be obvious, but you should have a 定位置, or a standard placement method, and all the below points refer to this. Single syllable cards are generally placed closest to you for most people, or on the bottom row. Long Cards are usually placed either on an outer or inner edge, […]

Welcome to LearnKaruta.com!

Want to learn how to play Karuta, but don’t know how to start? Language barrier make you feel like you can’t? Tired of not knowing where to look for more info? If so, you’ve (hopefully) come to the right place—we’ll be adding lots of different resources and info for aspiring English-speaking Karuta players here, so check back soon if you’re […]